Groups come to ride the FMHT

Nature on the FM Heartland Trail - photo by Dennis Adams

Ready to let fly with their seeds, milkweeds are on the FM Heartland Trail

Groups come to ride the FMHT
About Us
The Fred Meijer Heartland Trail is a 42 mile, paved trail that connects the cities of Alma and Greenville in rural, central Michigan. It is open to non-motorized use year round. It was begun in 1994 and completed in 2015. The Meijer Foundation has been essential in its development and support
Since 2013, the Mid West Michigan Trail Authority has also been essential in helping the FFMHT by distributing grant money from a Meijer Foundation program for Trail Maintenance.
Get Involved
The Fred Meijer Heartland Trail is maintained by volunteers who do most of the trimming, repairing and mowing required along the Trail. The Friends of the Fred Meijer Heartland Trail has a Board of Directors who are also volunteers and new Board Members are needed. The Trail operations need new, dedicated people who are willing to work to continue this tradition of excellence.
Donations to the FFMHT are essential for the operation of the FMHT. All donations are tax deductible, since we are a 501 (c) (3) organization. Donors can have their names listed on this website for donations given in addition to your membership. Donor names are also included in our special edition fall newsletter.
FFMHT Meetings
FFMHT Meetings are the 4th Tuesday of each month in Stanton, at 6:00 p.m. See the CONTACT US
page for more details.
Meetings are being held at the First Congregational Church of Stanton, 305 N Camburn St, Stanton, MI 48888

Resealing Complete
D and D Asphalt has completed the resealing and resurfacing for 2024 and the Trail looks great! This project was funded by a few very important supporters! Thank you!
Pingree to Warner Roads, funded by Midwest Michigan Trail Authority
Pine to North Streets in Stanton, partially funded by Central Montcalm grant and partially by Midwest Michigan Trail Authority
Carlson to Sidney Roads, funded by Greenville Area Community Foundation grant
Sidney to Grow Roads, funded by MidwestMichigan Trail Authority
Deaner Road to Forest Street, funded by MidwestMichigan Trail Authority
Deaner to Lake Montcalm Roads, funded by Midwest Michigan Trail Authority
FFMHT Annual Banquet
The 2024 FFMHT Annual Banquet and Fundraiser was Saturday May 4th at the Curtis Building in Edmore. All members and guests enjoyed an evening of trail fellowship, delicious food, fabulous prizes, and one of a kind finds in the Silent Auction. See our banquet page for all the details!